£7.99, Routledge Why do some of us become overweight? Why is it so difficult to lose weight? How can we adapt healthy attitudes towards food? I have been commissioned to write features about weight loss since the 1990s. I have seen a few books on the subject in that...
Why you should be blogging if you’re in business
Imagine you're an optician. Your potential customers are unlikely to visit your website randomly - only if they need a check up. It can be challenging to raise your profile. Instead, of simply pushing your website address and special offers on social media, you can...
Best dog-friendly places in Norwich
I'm constantly updating this post as I try out different places with my dog - so please forgive its unedited and rough-draft form... I've had to take comments off the blog post as I was getting so much junk mail. But please do send me any suggestions for additions to...
Do these five things to improve your writing
Good writing is at the centre of all content marketing and business promotion. Your company will be judged on the quality of the writing associated with it, so it is essential to strive for professionalism. Writing well is a complex skill that can be developed over...
How your customers can help you come up with content ideas to blog about
By Liz Hollis Your business probably has a list typical questions that would-be and existing customers often ask and these can be a source of many blog post ideas. Speak to staff who have daily contact with customers, check through inbound inquiries. Dig deep and...
Making controversy as positive as possible – how to manage a PR crisis better than Oxfam
By Liz Hollis The investigation into a sex scandal cover up must have been like a bad dream for Oxfam’s management team and press office. The phone ringing non-stop, reporters asking nasty questions about cover ups and sex scandals. What to do? Well, for starters...
How to slow down time – or at least make it appear to pass more slowly
"Where does the time go?" older people often remark. Even though we know time is marked in discrete and predesignated units that are the same for everybody, there is still the sense that it increases its pace as we age. Feeling that a week, year or even a decade has...
My new year resolutions never worked for long – then I tried this…
Every year I make the usual New Year resolutions: lose that last stubborn body fat, be more tidy, more organised, exercise even more, travel more, do more with my free time, eat less bread and quit chocolate, see more films at the cinemaetc... Usually, by the end of...
Robin Dauncey – the Norwich potter
A dear friend Robin Dauncey died recently just a month after being diagnosed with bowel cancer. He worked for 45 years as a professional potter in Norwich. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend his funeral. It feels as if I haven't said goodbye. I keep expecting to...
Why too much choice is bad for our health
The dizzying array of health and lifestyle choices can leave us so confused that it may even undermine our wellbeing… By Liz Hollis Deglycrrhised licorice, dong quai, chlorella, L-arginine, L-cysteine, L-Glutamine… the baffling array of supplements for sale in your...